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Billings Elementary School is happy to announce that for the 4th straight year, we will be participating in Back-Pack Buddies. To help support our families and students in our school and community, each Friday, starting in September and during the school year, elementary students have the opportunity to bring home a sack of snacks and goodies they can enjoy over the weekend. Sign up sheets will be passed out during the month of August once school begins.
Go Bulldogs!
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School Code: 1015035883042553
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Previous Poll Results:
Abraham Lincoln = Favorite President
Invest in Stock Market = If Found Pot of Gold
Beach = Where to Summer Vacation
Nurse/Doctor = Most popular Career
Strawberry = Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
Fried Chicken = Favorite Food
Best Part Of Break = Staying Up Late
We are an equal opportunity employer
Current Condition: clear sky
Temperature: 71.91˚F
Feels Like: 70.07˚F
Wind Speeds: 14.94mph
Weather humidity: 27%
Chance of Precipitation: %